When I began this blog I decided to keep it all business, and keep my personal life and opinions where they belong. This morning while having my coffee, I thought how boring that can be, so today, I want to share something my 15 year old, G, short for Giovanni, said to me last night,
"November is my least favorite month. It's so gray. December is one of my most favorite. I love the holiday, and the snow."
Well, I almost lost my lunch from the anxiety both those things brought to my life..the time, the energy, the garage needs to be cleaned out so the motorcycle and the outdoor furniture can be brought in! Then it happened! One of those "Oprah" moments that completely stop you in your tracks, and shed light onto a situation as if it's the first time you're seeing it (btw Queen of Talk, I'm still waiting for the invite to come on the show).
I used to enjoy playing with the kids in the snow. I used to enjoy shopping and planning for the holidays. I used to enjoy wrapping presents lavishly and decorating every single room in my house. I used to enjoy cooking a traditional Italian feast for my family and friends. I even used to enjoy playing board games too - ok, that has absolutely nothing to do with the holidays, but my youngest son nags me about that all the time.
What happened to me? I'll tell you what happened, I grew up and stopped pretending I was Martha Stewart's clone, her twin separated at birth, or sistas from another Mother. Now I am asking myself, why? It wasn't such a bad thing, was it? I know my neighbors were pretty pleased when we showed up at their door with our smiling faces brimming with holiday cheer and a Christmas tin filled with a broad assortment of fancy homemade cookies.
Seriously, life happened. A long list of life altering, tear jerking, rip your heart out experiences which just changed it all, and changed me. Through it all, I found myself and embraced the person I am, and am not; conquered a whole lot of fears and set out to overcome, endure, and prosper, no matter what. In order to do so, maybe it's necessary to leave part of ourselves behind? I'm not sure. You can probably tell from this blog entry, I'm still working that out. What I do know though is, no matter what "Ka Ka" life dishes out, what matters most is how you choose to deal with it.
So this "Cyber Monday" (I could post a rant about that too), I have decided to remember what it feels like to be my children's age when life was so much less complicated, and to embrace the simple joys and pleasures which surround us every single day, but we're too dang busy (yes Brent, this city chick wrote dang – afterall, my desk is parked in Cow Hampshire) racing around trying to get "nowhere" because we need to get there before someone we don't even give a "Ka Ka" about gets there first. I will relax more, breath more, and feel the love as much as I can! I will enjoy the holidays, and create beautiful memories which will last a life time! Bring on the snow Momma Nature!! Ok who am I kidding....she can keep the uckingfay snow.

When Life Was Simple, 2004
Happy Holidays to you all!! Peace ♥ Love!!