On Friday night, February 13th, the third installment in the Flush Funk 'n' Fashion series took place at Exeter Town Hall in front of another impressive crowd. Models rocked the runway wearing fashions from LunaChics, Sexy Skins & Ablaze while The Head rocked the stage as always with their unique brand of original funky music from the Flush CD, seamlessly blending musical styles ranging from hip hop to soul to gritty R&B, highlighted by TVP vocalist Gwen "Gia3" Leathers belting out amazing riffs as the onstage fog billowed into her pink afro wig.

A new addition into the mix were locally based dancers Marianela Ramirez & Deo Mwano. Not only did they get the crowd hyped up to kick off the show, but they reappeared frequently with some freestyle moves to keep things groovin'.

The featured models ranged from seasoned professionals, Portsmouth resident Evan Manaquis used to work full time during his days in New York City, while Exeter native Mara Blanchette is new to the scene. "It's really fun. It's just something different to do," Blanchette said. "I love wearing all the great clothes."

Following the fashion show, much of the audience moved across the street to the after party at the jam-packed Exeter Tavern. The Head set up their gear and played an additional set of tunes as party-goers danced, drank and kept the party going into the wee hours, creating a fitting beginning to Valentine's Day.

According to Flush founder and executive producer, Scott Ruffner, there will be more Funk 'n' Fashion shows to come. "We've been delighted with the success of the first three events over the past several months. Each time out, we learn valuable lessons about how to keep improving things for the audience. We really believe we've created a unique nightlife experience on the Seacoast and it's only going to keep getting better."
More exclusive photos from Jamie Wade and music from Flush can be found here. Debbie Breneman can be contacted at debreneman@gmail.com.
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