I love the color combination we came up with!!

Tuesday morning here and I still haven't had my coffee!! That's a first. That nice comment left by a new friend, got my attention and got me started poking around in the forums, distracting me from my morning coffee routine.lol
(Writing break to fill the mug with my first cup)
The recent death of my sister has really altered my perspective of so many things. I will never be the same person I was before this event. Maybe that's a good thing. Maybe that's the gift she has left me. We only have one shot at life, and any given moment, that life can change significantly. We BEST live it!
For some reason, her death has given me this extra boost of courage, energy and spirit to press on and press hard to making my dreams come true. This new bit of courage has opened some doors that may not have opened otherwise. Great things are happening! Maybe it's just the natural progression of the business. Maybe it's my newest angel. Maybe it's hard work and dedication to something I believe in with all my heart and soul. Maybe it's a bit of talent. Maybe it's a combination of all. I do know it's not coincidence.
So my advice (not that I'm worthy to be giving any) to anybody that's reading my ramblings, is to get out there!! No matter how big or small you or your line is. Have courage to start - anywhere. Just try. That's all it takes. Then at least you can say you did.
Luv & Peace,
I found my passion for fashion while in college, for the second time, trying to choose a major. The first time, I was an illustration major. I never finished my studies and returned to do so in my late 20's. You think by then, I would have known why I was there. Two different department heads approached me, Illustration and Graphic Design because they felt I had talent. But something made me check into the fashion department. It was the Graphics Department head who advised me to follow my passion. So I did. Here I am. No regrets.