The world lost another beautiful woman on the 16
Th of December. That day, I lot my best friend, my role model, and my hero. I find it hard to fathom the loss of 2 women who mean the world to me in just under 3 months time. My heart is broken. Although, when I look at my own children, I am reminded quickly at how wonderful and special a mothers love really is. One day they too will realize that no other can ever love you the way a mother can...unconditional and with every being of her heart and soul. It's such a selfless love and a true gift.
The loss of my Mother and my sister has me taking a step back and questioning my place in life. We all will die eventually, so why spend our time at meaningless and
unfulfilled jobs? Why partake in activities that don't bring us joy? Why let someone else raise our children so we can afford a nice house and fancy cars??
I took on a new job prior to my mother's death and found myself placing that position before the well-being of my children. It felt horrible. I lost that job because I spent my mother's last days by her side, holding her hand. What at the time seemed unfair, may have been a gift. Maybe it's time to say goodbye to the possessions that up until now have brought me satisfaction, and
pursue a life that is filled with substance.
I LOVE riding my
motorcycle. I LOVE designing clothing. I LOVE leather. I ADORE my children. There's one or two pieces to my life's puzzle I need to find. Wish me luck. :)
Peace & Love,